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We're on a mission.  Our mission is to change the world. How do we do that ?  By letting the world see more Ukuleleists performing of course !  We'll showcase Ukulele performers here, much like our Freshman Sessions, as we know musicians are having a real hard time in this current situation. So we enadeavor to showcase them in a bid to help bring more web traffic/fans to them, in turn, changing the world. 


"If only every single person played a Uke, how happy a world we would live in..."

If you wish to submit a video, please send only Youtube links to

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The Freshman Uke Sessions

I’m On Fire - Bruce Springsteen - Ukulele cover
I’m On Fire - Bruce Springsteen - Ukulele cover
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I’m On Fire - Bruce Springsteen - Ukulele cover

Tonight You Belong to Me (Uke Metal X Cover)
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Tonight You Belong to Me (Uke Metal X Cover)

Uke Metal X
It's All Over - Johnny Cash(Ukulele Cover) #100daysuke2021
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It's All Over - Johnny Cash(Ukulele Cover) #100daysuke2021



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© 2020 Freshman Guitars

Website by Espedair Tech

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